Because denial is common, you may feel like you don’t have a problem with drinking. You might not recognize how much you drink or how many problems in your life are related to alcohol use. Listen to relatives, friends or co-workers when they ask you to examine your drinking habits or to seek help. Consider talking with someone who has had a problem with drinking but has stopped.

Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: What to Know About Symptoms and Treatment – The New York Times

Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: What to Know About Symptoms and Treatment.

Posted: Mon, 04 Mar 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

It’s important for family members and loved ones of individuals struggling with alcohol addiction to seek support for themselves as well as their loved one. Support groups such as Al-Anon provide a safe space for those affected by someone else’s addiction to share experiences and receive guidance from others who have been through similar situations. Physical and mental health can play a significant role in preventing relapse after treatment. It’s important to prioritize self-care by eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing any underlying mental health conditions that may contribute to addiction.

Description of the Beginning of Alcohol Addiction

Typically, drinking too much doesn’t prevent most people from going to work even now. It is easiest to diagnose a person with alcohol use disorder in this final stage of it, but treatment, when one has been drinking so much, is most difficult. Typically, the person’s loved ones will begin to express concern about their misuse of alcohol. Individuals in the last stages of alcoholism will attempt to set boundaries for themselves, such as drinking less or drinking only beer, but find they cannot adhere to them.

Whilst binge drinking as a student at university is very common, it is important to be aware of how drinking alcohol will affect your body and mind in both the long and short term. The first stage of alcohol addiction is formally known as the early stage of addiction. This is when someone displays only one or two symptoms of alcohol addiction. Believe it or not, you 5 stages of alcoholism do not wake up one day and find yourself addicted to alcohol. Whilst 20% of the UK population in 2017 reportedly did not drink at all, alcohol-related issues still permeate throughout society and in particular, the healthcare system [1]. Unfortunately, nearly 9,000 people died of alcohol-related deaths in 2020 [1] which is a 19% increase from the year before [1].

Characteristics of the Middle-Alcoholic Stage

The first step will likely be a medically supervised detox, which will help rid your body of toxins and manage the symptoms of withdrawal. Preventive measures, including education on the dangers of early alcohol use and the establishment of household rules regarding alcohol, can be effective. It is also important to address emotional regulation and provide support for those with a history of trauma or mental health issues.